Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de abolish

to abolishabolir

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I abolishyo abolo
you abolishtú aboles
he abolishesél abole
she abolishesella abole
we abolishnosotros abolimos
you abolishvosotros abolís
they abolishellos abolen
they abolishellas abolen

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I abolishedyo abolí
you abolishedtú aboliste
he abolishedél abolió
she abolishedella abolió
we abolishednosotros abolimos
you abolishedvosotros abolisteis
they abolishedellos abolieron
they abolishedellas abolieron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have abolishedyo he abolido
you have abolishedtú has abolido
he has abolishedél ha abolido
she has abolishedella ha abolido
we have abolishednosotros hemos abolido
you have abolishedvosotros habéis abolido
they have abolishedellos han abolido
they have abolishedellas han abolido

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had abolishedyo había abolido
you had abolishedtú habías abolido
he had abolishedél había abolido
she had abolishedella había abolido
we had abolishednosotros habíamos abolido
you had abolishedvosotros habíais abolido
they had abolishedellos habían abolido
they had abolishedellas habían abolido

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will abolishyo aboliré
you will abolishtú abolirás
he will abolishél abolirá
she will abolishella abolirá
we will abolishnosotros aboliremos
you will abolishvosotros aboliréis
they will abolishellos abolirán
they will abolishellas abolirán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have abolishedyo habré abolido
you will have abolishedtú habrás abolido
he will have abolishedél habrá abolido
she will have abolishedella habrá abolido
we will have abolishednosotros habremos abolido
you will have abolishedvosotros habréis abolido
they will have abolishedellos habrán abolido
they will have abolishedellas habrán abolido

I would abolishyo aboliría
you would abolishtú abolirías
he would abolishél aboliría
she would abolishella aboliría
we would abolishnosotros aboliríamos
you would abolishvosotros aboliríais
they would abolishellos abolirían
they would abolishellas abolirían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have abolishedyo habría abolido
you would have abolishedtú habrías abolido
he would have abolishedél habría abolido
she would have abolishedella habría abolido
we would have abolishednosotros habríamos abolido
you would have abolishedvosotros habríais abolido
they would have abolishedellos habrían abolido
they would have abolishedellas habrían abolido

Participio presenteAnotado
abolishing aboliendo

Participio pasadoAnotado
abolished abolido

Más verbos

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Opción múltiple
Juego del Ahorcado
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